Select Your Team/League
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You have two ways to link to the TMO Database for your team or league (LSC).

1. Using your Internet Browser, enter this Internet link to display the screen below. Now "Select Your Swim Team" from the drop down list".


2. Another way for you to select your team's database is directly from your team's or league's web site. That link will take you directly to TMO and will automatically open the Database for your team or league. This way, if you so desire, your team or league web master can include whatever security that you need to protect unauthorized access to your Database. You may also request that Hy-Tek "hide" your team's link from the TMO pull down list. Please Click Here for more information about TMO security.

Once your Team/League/LSC is selected, the following TMO screen will be displayed showing information about your Team/League/LSC's TMO subscription, the contact person for your Team/League/LSC in case you have questions, and also the date that this information was uploaded to the TMO web hosting server.
