Find a Particular Swimmer
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To find a particular swimmer's Meet Results or Best Times, first choose your Database - Click Here for information on how to do that.

Now click on Athletes from the Main Menu bar.


TMO will display a list of swimmers in alphabetical order by last name as shown below. You can filter that list by Gender, Group, Subgroup, School Year, or Team. You really have 3 ways to locate a specific swimmer in the TMO Database.

1.Click on the Next button to show the next 20 swimmers and continue to "scroll" to find your particular swimmer.  
2.Click on a letter at the top of the list to go to the first swimmer whose last name begins with that letter. For example, select "T" to go to the list of swimmers whose last name begins with a "T".  
3.Recommended: Enter part or all of a swimmer's last name in the Find Athlete box and click on the Go button and TMO will go right to that swimmer.  
